What do we cover?

During the live online course, you will learn:

  • How our minds are naturally liable to getting us tangled up in negative thinking-emotion ‘loops’

  • About the ‘Three Emotion Systems’ model, & how many of us can get stuck in emotional imbalance

  • What compassion is, what attributes help to facilitate it, what can block it, & how we can train our minds in it

  • That compassion can come in three different ‘flows’ – Compassion for others, from others & to ourselves

  • Skills to balance emotions by developing skills in mindfulness & compassion


You will have the opportunity to develop skills in:

  • Mindfulness – We’ll practice a variety of mindfulness exercises, training our brains to develop greater focus & awareness

  • Breathing – Practicing breathing rhythms to help to sooth & calm the body & the mind

  • Compassion – We’ll explore ways to develop your ‘Compassionate Mind’ through a variety of practices, drawing on the power of memory, imagery, embodied action, emotion & thinking